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Triumph of nature and tradition at the table
The colors of nature explode at the table in a triumph of the senses. The sweet scent, the softness of delicate mousses, the consistency of vegetables immersed in real extra virgin olive oil from Puglia. And the taste that makes the difference: authentic flavor of tradition combined with genuineness and exquisiteness. This is what distinguishes Mastrototaro Food products.

Our vision
Growing our vegetables with love and passion, in full respect of nature, according to the rhythms of the seasons, to obtain genuine products with an authentic flavor. It is one of the founding values of the Mastrototaro philosophy, where the formula "from producer to consumer" is the cornerstone principle. Like the artisanal processing from fresh, immediately after harvesting. This is how you get superior quality preserves, exquisite and natural.

A family
Behind the exquisite and genuine products of Mastrototaro Food, highly appreciated on the national and international market, there is a family. Authentic people, with a history of commitment, sacrifice, cohesion, passion and love for their work. Qualities that are passed down from generation to generation, as did father Giacomo and mother Grazia, who since 1956, in addition to producing wooden packaging for fruit and vegetables, have looked after our farm, then received as a dowry from their sons Mauro, Giulio and Roberto, with the latter today involved in "Mastrototaro Wood". In those sunny lands kissed by the sun, where the air is pure and you can breathe the scent of a centuries-old tradition, we grow and harvest our products, with care and love, sacrifice and commitment, skill and dedication.